Accounting services

Minimalizacja kosztów i księgowi, którzy pomogą Ci w kontroli wydatków oraz opłatach związanych z podatkami, są niezbędne w każdej firmie.

Human resources and payroll

Zajmiemy się optymalizacją kosztów związanych z płacami, abyś mógł skoncentrować się na nowych inwestycjach i rozwoju firmy.

Tax advice

Przeprowadzimy kompleksową analizę i ocenę podatkową, aby zoptymalizować tę część kosztów w twojej firmie.

Legal advice

Udzielane przez nasz prawników porady dotyczą wszystkich spraw związanych z podejmowaniem i prowadzeniem działalności gospodarczej.

Commercial advice

Doradztwo gospodarcze pozwoli Ci i Twoim partnerom odpowiednio inwestować kapitał, aby uzyskać większe dochody.

Office assistance

Zajmiemy się kompleksową obsługą kancelaryjną, poprzez wdrożenie przepisów związanych ze sposobem postępowania z dokumentami.

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“The secret of business is knowing what others do not know” Arystoteles Onassis

About us

We have been present on the Polish market for over a decade. Our main objective is to provide professional services in the area of corporate accounting, business and management consulting for Polish and foreign companies and activities related to translation and secretarial services. In addition we provide legal and financial management assistance to our clients on an individual basis.

For many years we have been working with auditing firms and law offices we know well. As a result of this long lasting cooperation we can offer our clients a complex service provided by a team of more than twenty accomplished, highly qualified specialists who have gained extensive experience over many years of work providing legal services as well as commercial and accounting advice.

More than two hundred enterprises have trusted us so far. We look forward to working with you too!

Frequently asked questions:

In case of a sole proprietorship it may be registered either traditionally or online. The traditional method involves filing a completed application form in the local Commune Council [Urząd Gminy] for entry in the Central Register of Individual Business Activity [CEIDG]. In case of online registration the form on the CEIDG website must be completed, without printing; it will be necessary to note down its number and quote it in the Council when completing the remaining formalities.

In order to register a limited liability company we must first collect the required documentation, namely the articles of association of the company, completed forms from the National Court Register [KRS] and proof of payment of court fees.  Registration takes place in the registration court of appropriate venue for the registered seat of the company.

A company may also be established online using the S24 website. In case of online registration it is necessary to possess an electronic signature or a trusted profile.

Foreigners are allowed to conduct business activity in Poland. The precise terms on which such business may be conducted depends primarily on where the foreigner comes from.

  1. If the foreigner is a citizen of a European Union or an EFTA country he or she may start a business on the same conditions as Polish citizens.
  2. Foreigners coming from other countries may take up business activity in Poland on the same terms and conditions as Polish citizens provided they fulfill certain requirements. These criteria are set out in detail on the websites of individual Voivodship Offices [Urząd Wojewódzki] in the tabs concerning foreigners. Since the regulations are very rigorous the foreigner needs to verify whether he or she fulfills all the requirements.
  3. If the foreigner does not qualify for either of the above groups he or she may also run a business in Poland. However, this may take place through participation in one of the various forms of commercial law companies: a limited partnership, limited joint stock partnership, a limited liability company or a joint stock company.

Yes, it is possible to employ a foreigner. What precise conditions such a foreigner must fulfill to be eligible for employment depends on where he or she comes from. Citizens of the EU, EEA or Switzerland may be employed in our country without the need to obtain a work permit. The requirements for employing a citizen of Ukraine are regulated separately in the provisions of Act on Promotion of Employment and the Institutions of the Labour Market. After fulfilling these requirements a Ukrainian citizen may be employed without having to obtain a work permit. Citizens of other countries who wish to work legally in Poland need to obtain a work permit or an appropriate residence card with an endorsement concerning access to the labour market.

A foreigner who plans to stay in Poland for longer than 3 months may apply for a temporary residence permit in Poland. The temporary residence permit is given for a maximum period of 3 years. However, the expiry date of the permit may be shorter if the grounds for applying for the permit indicate that a shorter residence period would be expedient.

The procedure of legalizing temporary residence is conducted by the Voivodship Office [Urząd Wojewódzki], Department for Aliens, in the province where the foreigner resides.

The addresses of the Voivodship Offices are available here ->

According to the revised Act on Freedom of Economic Activity an entrepreneur must be notified about a planned audit not less than 7 days before it starts. The legislator’s intention was to enable a businessman to prepare properly for an audit, including collecting and sorting out the required documentation.

According to the act an audit in a micro-enterprise may last a maximum of 12 days, in a small enterprise 18 days, in a medium size enterprise 24 days and in others 48 days. There are of course exceptions to this rule, these are so called particularly justified cases which enable the tax authorities to extend the audit up to two times the basic length. In addition, an audit of the same area of an enterprise’s activity may be conducted twice in a calendar year.


The auditor is required to instruct the audited entity about available appeal measures against the auditor’s decisions.

Co o nas mówią

Paweł Witek

Dyrektor CEO

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że jesteśmy zadowoleni z prac wykonywanych przez księgowych. Wszystko, o co prosiliśmy, zostało wykonane przez profesjonalny zespół na czas i z dużą precyzją. Przy odpowiednim briefingu nie ma miejsca na błędy. Każdy aspekt został wyjaśniony w taki sposób, abyśmy mogli go w pełni zrozumieć.

Agata Kowalewska

PR Manager

Poszukiwaliśmy firmy zajmującej się księgowością, która spełniała by wszystkie nasze wymagania księgowe, abyśmy mogli skoncentrować się na naszej pracy, bez martwienia się o dokumenty prawne. Polandia spełniła nasze wymaganie, każde zlecenie zostało wykonane dokładnie i na czas.

Magdlena Filippow


Doradca z firmy, pomógł nam w planowaniu. Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z efektów!

Nasza oferta

Acounting services
Human resources and payroll
Tax advice
Legal advice
Commercial advice
Office assistance